About Magic Box
A new solution designed to close the learning poverty gap, the Magic Box is a tech platform enabling high quality, flexible learning. The Magic Box platform is developed in collaboration between UNICEF, Microsoft and The University of Cambridge to address the challenges faced by over 890 000 children aged 3 to 6 years old in Tajikistan to access continued, quality education due to limited face-to-face early childhood services and low coverage countrywide.
Our mission
Enable continuous access to education for children in Tajikistan and drive improved learning outcomes through high-quality, portable education to support their entry into other education or opportunity pathways, including formal education.Covid-19 response
When the global pandemic hit and preschool settings were closed in Tajikistan, the Magic Box platform was introduced as one of the solutions to ensure continued access to learning and teaching for children and educators. With Magic Box platform and a curriculum capable of being taught online educators and parents will be able to facilitate online learning for young children with devices at home.
Kosovo, Timor-Leste and Ukraine – are the first to roll out their online preschool curriculum through the digital educational platforms. The content available to preschool children includes online books, videos and additional support for parents of children with learning special needs (disability and minorities).
Digital platform coverage