Parents can learn more about how to support growth and development of young children ages birth to six years old with games, activities, tips and guidance on a variety of topics, including how to support children with disabilities and from minorities.
How can parents benefit from Magic Box digital platform?
Learning happens everywhere, not just at school or preschool environment. Parents and caregivers can support their young children’s growth and development through activities that don’t require fancy or expensive materials. Activities like talking, singing, reading books and asking questions develop important language and early literacy skills. Noticing patterns, shapes and numbers in the everyday environment builds the foundation for later math learning. Playing with young children shows them how to problem solve, express emotions and create bonds with caring adults. Supporting and developing these skills in the home is easy with the resources within the Magic Box digital platform.

Activities & Games
Resources for parents and early childhood educators, who are looking for games and activities to do with their young children, ages birth to six years old.

Tips & Guidance
Helpful tips and guidance for parents and early childhood educators on how to support children’s social-emotional development, how to read out loud to children, and how to support children with disabilities in the home and classroom.